3 Wardrobe Staples

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
The three things that are staples in my wardrobe this week are:

Hunter Rain Boots - Now that fall is here rain boots in Seattle is a must, right? Mine have been a staple in my feet since the day I got mine. It might not be exactly raining outside for you to find me wearing them. They have become such a fashion statement everyone must own a pair... Even if they aren't quiet so functional for you as they are for me.

Scarfs - It is fall so scarf season has officially begun. For me anything from a cashmere one to a fun color or pattern is always seen with me. It could be tied to my bag for safe keeping till I need it or wrapped around mew to keep the fall chill off. From now until March scarfs are not just a fun fashion accessory, they are functional as well. We all known that the more functional the more likely are to wear it.

Braid - So I know this isn't really staple, but it kind of is. I have been wearing braids in my hair almost daily lately. It is a great way of adding a little spice to your hair. It's super easy to braid your bangs back or add a ponytail braid. It's really something that can keep your style simple but not boring.


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