Coming to You From the Inside of Starbucks

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
 So today is Valentines Day! Happy Valentines day to all of you! I personally love valentine's day, not the adult version with boyfriends, flowers, and a romantic evening, but the kids version, where you hand out cards to everyone in class, eat way too much candy, and looking forward to the party at the end of the school day. I miss when there was someone that you would have a crush on, you'd give them a special card or make sure they got the extra pieces of candy. So today instead of having the adult version, I am spending the day pretending I am like a little kid. I am giving my friends cute valentines and eating way too much candy. Here is to all of you who don't have someone to spend the day with. Have a great day and show your friends how much you love them!

Yesterday while switching my room around I placed my bed under the window. Who knew that my kitty would love sitting on the window sill and looking out. Now her new favorite activity I snapped a few pictures of her cuteness.


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